Our guest celebrity for 2024 is Costa Georgiadis, Australian author, landscape architect, environmental educator and TV presenter. Costa is the host of ABC television series Gardening Australia. He will be in conversation with BDAS patron, Ben Quilty.
This event has been running since 2011 and is always a highlight in our calendar.
We invited 4 well known artists to paint or draw Costa. These painting are then revealed at a special fund raising event held at the Centennial Vineyards, Bowral for up to 200 guests.
We have been very fortunate this year to secure Costa Georgiadis as our celebrity sitter.
Some of our previous sitters have been Ita Buttrose, Charlie Albone, Ben Quilty, Noeline Brown, Leo Sayer and John Waters.
Our 4 highly respected artists invited to paint costa are Kate Stevens, Jody Graham, Evan Shipard and Justin Pearson.
The Gala event will be held on Sunday, 15 September Centennial Vineyards, Bowral. We have some other items organised for the day and it is shaping up to be a special event.
Guests are invited to wear "A touch of green"
Tickets are limiteds book early to avoid disappointment
After the exhibition the works will be featured in a window display at the Bookshop Bowral in the main street.
The Celebrity Portrait Reveal has been proudly sponsored by Corina Nesci from Highland - Southern Highlands.
To book click on the link below
